Thanks to surgical advances, state of the art technology, and improved standards of patient care, facial plastic surgery today is safer than ever before. As recently as 35 years ago, a facelift or nasal procedure meant a five day hospital stay. Today, the same procedure typically involves no more than an overnight stay. Many procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, often right in the surgeon's office.

The popularity of in office surgery has grown in recent years, although in hospital surgery remains appropriate for certain procedures. Patients in either setting benefit from advances in medical knowledge, surgical techniques, and anesthesia. In the office surgery setting, patients cite the added benefit of more personalized care and greater privacy, away from the hospital environment.

Whether your procedure takes place in office or in hospital, here are some tips on making your experience as safe as possible. Trust your face only to a facial plastic surgeon. That way you can be sure that your surgeon's training and experience include facial plastic surgery. Most facial plastic surgeons are trained and certified in head and neck surgery (otolaryngology), and many have earned additional certification by the American board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Check the facility's accreditation.
All hospitals are accredited (it's required), but voluntary accreditation of in office facilities is on the rise. Be sure the facility where your surgery will he performed is accredited, as that shows you that the facility meets strict standards of patient care.

Give a complete, accurate medical history.
Most complications occur when patients have neglected to mention important facts about their health history. Be completely honest regarding your use of tobacco products, alcohol, and drugs of any type. Mention any previous bleeding episodes, allergic reactions, or anything else that may affect your results. Doing so will enable your surgeon to provide you with the best care possible.

Follow your surgeon's instructions carefully.
You may be advised to avoid certain medications, tobacco, and alcohol before and after surgery. You also will be given postoperative care instructions. Following these to the letter may be the most important thing you can do to ensure a pleasant and safe facial plastic surgery experience and an optimal result.

Fortunately facial plastic surgery can provide solutions to these very real problems and many others. A number of facial plastic surgery procedures are appropriate for teens with facial problems. For these young people, facial plastic surgery treatment can boost self esteem and help them face the future with confidence.

Skin resurfacing procedures
Skin resurfacing procedures are sometimes recommended for teens with severe acne breakouts. Dermabrasion (facial sanding) may be used to treat severe cases of cystic acne that have failed to respond to other medical treatments. In some cases, a series of glycolic acid peels may be done to help clean the pores and prevent the production of new acne lesions. Dermabrasion, chemical peeling, or laser therapy may be recommended for teens who want to smooth out deep scars left by acne.

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