Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a tummy tuck, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed to help flatten and tighten the abdomen. Those who have lost a large amount of weight, been pregnant multiple times, or simply experienced a growing tummy from age may be good candidates for the procedure.

During a tummy tuck, an incision is typically made between the two hip bones in the lower abdomen. Excess skin is pulled taught and removed, and then the incision is sutured. Sometimes, a second incision may be made in the upper abdomen in extreme cases of excess skin.

If enough skin needs to be removed, the belly button may need to be relocated by the surgeon. Liposuction is also commonly combined with a tummy tuck to further sculpt and remove fatty tissue from the abdomen.

After the tummy tuck procedure, the patient will typically experience significant bruising, and will require two to three weeks to heal. Many are able to return to work within 7 to 10 days, however. Some pain medication may be required to allow the patient more comfort in performing everyday activities.

Many times, the surgeon will need to insert a tube into the incision to help drain excess fluid from the wound for the first few days after surgery. Full effects of an abdominoplasty will be experienced after one or two months, as some swelling will still remain for that time.

The best candidates for a tummy tuck are those who eat healthy and exercise, but cannot rid themselves of stubborn belly fat. If there is some elasticity in the skin, results will typically be much better.

Your surgeon will fully explain your personal risks of side effects and realistic results of an abdominoplasty. This procedure is not recommended for anyone who plans on getting pregnant in the future, as this may further reduce the elasticity of the remaining skin.

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Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com